Thanks to its durable nature and attractive shine, gloss paint is a common choice for accent pieces in the home, such as handrails, skirting boards and radiators. However, there are a few negatives to painting radiators with gloss that should be considered.
Cheaper gloss paints are susceptible to cracking, peeling or yellowing over time. If you’re after a shiny finish, make sure to choose high-quality gloss radiator paint to keep your handiwork looking great for longer.
The shininess of a gloss finish also draws attention to any surface imperfections such as dents and scratches. If your radiator is a little banged up, you might want to avoid gloss and opt for satin paint instead, which offers a more subtle shine.
Finally, oil-based gloss paints take a long time to dry, so you’ll need to leave your radiator switched off and avoid touching it for up to 24 hours. For quicker results, opt for water-based gloss paints, which tend to dry in 6–8 hours.